Common HTTP Error Codes

Have you ever seen a HTTP error code and had no idea what it meant? Here's a list of HTTP error codes listed: that you might see:

200 - Success: OK
201 - Success: Created
202 - Success: Accepted
203 - Success: Partial Information
204 - Success: No Response
300 - Success: Redirected
301 - Success: Moved
302 - Success: Found
303 - Success: New Method
304 - Success: Not Modified
305 - Use Proxy
400 - Failed: Bad Request
401 - Failed: Unauthorized
402 - Failed: Payment Required
403 - Failed: Forbidden
404 - Failed: Not Found
405 - Method Not Allowed
406 - Not Acceptable
407 - Proxy Authentication Required
408 - Request Time-Out
409 - Conflict
410 - Gone
411 - Length Required
412 - Precondition Failed
413 - Request Entity Too Large
414 - Request-URL Too Large
415 - Unsupported Media Type
500 - Failed: Internal Error
501 - Failed: Not Implemented
502 - Failed: Overloaded Temporarily
503 - Failed: Gateway Timeout
504 - Gateway Time-Out
505 - HTTP Version Not supported

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